
Interlibrary Loan (ILLiad) Services
ARLIS will borrow materials through ILL for Founding agency patrons and Contributing members. Borrowing services may extend to registered part time, seasonal, and temporary employees of founding agencies, but are not available to contractors who may be working with these agencies. UAA faculty, staff and students do not receive interlibrary loan borrowing privileges from ARLIS as they have access to these services at Consortium Library Interlibrary Loan Document Delivery. Interlibrary loan services for the general public are available at Consortium Library’s Info Interlibrary Loan and Anchorage Public Library Interlibrary Loans. Fees may apply. ARLIS does share its collection through the ‘Hold’ system to members of our Alaska Library Catalog. Requested items are couriered or mailed to the requester’s library of choice.
Requests for all photocopied materials will be contingent on compliance with copyright law. The ARLIS checkout period for Interlibrary Loan is six weeks with one renewal. ARLIS reserves the right to recall any materials before the due date to meet the needs of Founding agencies. There are no fees for interlibrary loan service. Reciprocity is encouraged.
ARLIS shares a library catalog and circulation system with 87 other Alaskan Libraries. A catalog search will list titles and items from all libraries. To limit search results to titles owned by ARLIS, change “all collections” to “ARLIS” in the search screen. ARLIS will loan books to those with a valid library card from any library in the consortium, in addition to those with an ARLIS card.
Services to Libraries
ARLIS lends freely and globally to recognized libraries through the interlibrary loan program. ARLIS does not physically lend items where we hold the only copy in WorldCat, but will produce scans if possible.
ARLIS does not charge for interlibrary loan-lending and welcomes formal reciprocal agreements with other libraries. Requests should comply with standard interlibrary loan procedures with special attention to copyright.
The ARLIS OCLC symbol is RLA. Requests are also accepted at
Lending Policies
ARLIS Will Lend
- Circulating and reserve books
- Cataloged microfilm and microfiche (scans only)
- Periodicals (scans only)
- Reference (scans only)
ARLIS Will Not Lend
- Maps
- Videos
- Photos/Slides*
- Rare/Special Collections*
* Please contact ARLIS directly for potential scanning requests.