Founding Agencies
ARLIS was created by merging the staff and collections of eight Anchorage natural resources agency libraries. The original founding agencies continue to fund ARLIS and provide public access.
Agencies may become founding agencies by making a commitment for on-going support of ARLIS at a significant level. Founding agencies have representation on the ARLIS Founders Board that governs the library.
Affiliated Agency Resources
Affiliated agencies offer online resources through their own library websites. Explore resources provided by affiliated agencies below.
Some sites limit access, in whole or in part, to agency personnel via password or private network.
Partner Libraries
ARLIS shares the Alaska Library Catalog and circulation system with 87 Alaska Libraries.
The catalog search will list titles and items from all libraries. To limit search results to titles owned by ARLIS, change “all collections” to “ARLIS” in the search screen.
ARLIS will loan books to those with a valid library card from any library in the consortium, in addition to those with an ARLIS card.