Oil and Gas Resources

Oil and Gas Resources

The following collections of  materials related to oil fields and pipelines have not been fully catalogued.
Please contact ARLIS reference staff at reference@arlis.org for assistance with this collection.

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Trans-Alaska Pipeline System 2001 Right-of-Way (TAPSROW) Renewal Reference Collection

Location: Special Collections

The 2001 TAPSROW Renewal Reference Collection contains 2,324 items used to prepare the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the 2001 right-of-way renewal application for the Trans-Alaska Pipeline. BP Exploration donated the collection.

A print copy of the index, TAPSROW Literature Cited, is on the shelf at the beginning of this collection.

The index is also available as a PDF and as a database.

Point Thomson EIS Reference Collection

Location: Special Collections across from TAPSROW

This collection contains 337 items, in paper and electronic format, released to ARLIS by ExxonMobil in 2009.

RefWorks database of the collection describes each item and includes a link to a PDF where available.

The Pipe Files

Alaska Gas Line: The Pipe Files contain reports, maps, analysis and other work going back to the 1970s for Alaska North Slope natural gas pipeline projects.

Search Files