Alaska Pipeline Project draft resource report 8, land use, recreation, and aesthetics

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Bibliographic Details
Alternate Title:Report 8, land use, recreation, and aesthetics

Land use, recreation, and aesthetics
Corporate Author(s): ExxonMobil, TransCanada
Corporate Contributor(s):Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
Document Type: Report
Publisher:Alaska Pipeline Project (APP)
Report Numbers:FERC docket no. PF09-11-000

Date:December 2011
Sponsor / Funder:Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
Edition:Draft, Revision 0
Online Access:View Full Text
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Library Holdings:Print Versions
  • Main report
  • Appendix 8A. Land use and ownership by milepost
  • Appendix 8B. Land use and ownership affected by construction and operation of additional temporary workspace areas
  • Appendix 8C. Land use and ownership affected by construction and operation of borrow sites.