Alaska Energy Authority-Prepared Integrated Licensing Process Study Requests, 2012-2013

Issued by Alaska Energy Authority, 2012.



Table of Contents (in PDF format)

SuWa NumberAquatic and Fish Resources Study Requests
131 Analysis of fish harvest rates in and downstream of the Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project area
132 Aquatic furbearer abundance and habitat use
133 Aquatic resources study within the access alignment, construction area, and transmission alignment study
134 Baseline water quality study
135 Characterization of aquatic habitats in the Susitna River with potential to be affected by the Susitna-Watana Project
136 F-S6: Cook Inlet beluga whale anadromous prey analysis - draft
137 Cook Inlet beluga whale and prey study
138 Fish distribution and abundance in the upper Susitna River, 2013-14
139 Fish passage barriers in the upper Susitna and select middle Susitna tributaries
140 Fluvial geomorphology modeling below Watana Dam
141 Freshwater fish distribution and abundance in the middle and lower Susitna River
142 The future Watana reservoir fish community and fish of entrainment study
143 Geomorphology study
144 Groundwater-related aquatic habitat
145 Ice processes study request
146 Instream flow study (IFS)
147 Riparian instream flow study
148 River productivity study
149 Salmon escapement in the Susitna River - (not yet available)
150 Water quality modeling study

SuWa NumberBotanical Resources Study Requests
151 Invasive plant study
152 Rare plant study
153 Riparian study
154 Vegetation and Wildlife habitat mapping - (not yet available)
155 Wetland mapping and functional assessment study
156 Wildlife habitat evaluation

SuWa NumberSocial Resources Study Requests
157 Aesthetic and recreation resources study
158 Air quality study
159 Cultural resources study plan
160 Socioeconomics: regional economic evaluation
161 Socioeconomics: social conditions and public goods and services evaluations
162 Subsistence baseline documentation study
163 Transportation resources analysis

SuWa NumberWildlife Resources Study Requests
164 Breeding survey of landbirds and shorebirds
165 Brown bear and black bear distribution, abundance, and habitat use
166 Caribou distribution, abundance, movements, and productivity
167 Dall's sheep distribution, abundance, and habitat use
168 Little brown bat distribution and habitat use - (not yet available)
169 Moose distribution, abundance, movements, productivity, and survival
170 Population ecology of Willow Ptarmigan in Game Management Unit 13, Southcentral Alaska
171 Small mammal species composition and habitat use
172 Surveys of eagles and other raptors
173 Terrestrial furbearer abundance and habitat use
174 Waterbird migration, breeding, and habitat use
175 Wildlife harvest study
176 Wolf and wolverine distribution and abundance
177 Wood frog distribution and habitat use