Published [1986]
Contents: '; ...Summary of juvenile chinook and coho salmon winter studies in the middle Susitna River, 1984-85 /...

Report Number(s): APA 3062 APA 3063 RTS 38 RTS 38a RTS 38b SUS 603

Direct link to the first part (Winter resident fish distribution and habitat studies conducted in the Susitna River below Devil Canyon).
List of all parts.
Published [1985]
Contents: '; ...Resident fish distribution and population dynamics in the Susitna River below Devil Canyon /...

Report Number(s): APA 2836 (draft) RTS 30 (draft) SUS 496 SUS 507

Direct link to the first volume (Part 1).
List of all volumes.
Published [1984]
Contents: '; ...Habitat suitability criteria for chinook, coho, and pink salmon spawning in tributaries...

Report Number(s): APA 1930 (draft) APA 1931 (draft) APA 1932 (draft) APA 1933 (draft) APA 1934 (draft) APA 1935 (draft) APA 1936 (draft) APA 1937 (draft) APA 1938 (draft) APA 1939 (draft) RTS 21 (draft) RTS 21a (draft) RTS 21b (draft) RTS 21c (draft) RTS 21d (draft) RTS 21e (draft) RTS 21f (draft) RTS 21g (draft) RTS 21h (draft) RTS 21i (draft) RTS 21j (draft) SUS 289 SUS 290 SUS 291 SUS 292 SUS 293 SUS 294 SUS 300 SUS 302 SUS 303 SUS 304 SUS 305 SUS 306 SUS 386 SUS 387 SUS 388 SUS 390

Direct link to chapter 1 (Stage and discharge investigations).
List of all chapters.