Subtask 7.10. Phase 1, Final draft report. Resident fish investigation on the lower Susitna River / by Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies for Acres American Incorporated.
Anchorage, Alaska : Alaska Department of Fish and Game, 1981.
APA Number | RTS Number | SUS Number | Section |
318 | 9 | 77 | Main Report Contents: Summary -- Introduction -- Species reports, resident fish: Rainbow trout ; Arctic grayling ; Burbot ; Round whitefish ; Humpback whitefish ; Bering cisco ; Longnose sucker ; Dolly Varden ; Threespine stickleback ; Cottids ; Arctic lamprey ; Northern pike -- Appendix tables EA and EB. |
318 app. EA | 9 app. EA | - | Appendix EB Appendix EA, lower Susitna River habitat location sites, resident fish catch per unit effort by species and gear type, November, 1980 to October, 1981 |
318 app. EB | 9 app. EB | - | Appendix EB Appendix EB, lower Susitna River habitat location sites, juvenile anadromous fish, catch per unit effort by species and gear type, November, 1980 to October, 1981 |