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Kathleen W. McAllister, Joyce A. Mann, and Lora C. McKenzie

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Fisheries Center-Leetown, Box 700, Kearneysville, West Virginia 25430

UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, Fish and Wildlife Service, Division of Fisheries and Wetlands Research, Washington, D.C. 20240. 1987


Federal and State agencies are actively engaged in the production of striped bass (Morone saxatilis) to augment declining stocks in the Chesapeake Bay. In support of these efforts, we have prepared this bibliography to provide information on infectious and noninfectious diseases of the species. The references are arranged alphabetically by author and year, numbered consecutively, and referred to by number in the subject index that follows.

We thank K. E. Wolf for preparing some of the annotations, and G. L. Bullock and J. P. McCraren for reviewing the manuscript.

In the United States, fish that are intended for human or animal food can be treated with drugs and chemicals only in accordance with current regulations of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and State and local agencies. Furthermore, the status of drugs and chemicals is always subject to change due to research findings or regulatory agency rulings. Therefore the user should always read and carefully follow the instructions on the label. The use of trade names does not imply U.S. Government endorsement of commercial products.

  • 1. Allen, K. O. 1974. Notes on the culture of striped bass in tanks and small raceways. Prog. FishCult. 36:6061. Pond reared fingerling striped bass were susceptible to persistent myxobacteria infections after they were transferred from pond water at 30°C to well water at 24°C. The most effective drug used was combiotic, applied first at 10 ppm at weekly intervals and then (after 3 weeks of treatment) at 20 ppm, twice a week. Protozoan parasites were effectively controlled with 3,000 ppm of sodium chloride.
  • 2. Alperin, I. M. 1966. A new parasite of striped bass. N.Y. Fish Game J. 13:121123. A description of an infestation of the parasitic isopod Livonica ovalis in yearling striped bass. The isopods were attached inside the operculum; their effect on the condition or survival of the striped bass was unknown.
  • 3. Anonymous. 1973. Fish diseases and their control. FAO Aquacult. Bull. 6(1):1618. An occurrence of a Branchiomyces sanguinis infection is described in fingerling striped bass reared at a fish hatchery in Arkansas. Repeated treatment with 25 ppm formalin relieved the infection. Tilling and drying of the bottom of the affected pond prevented recurrence of the disease during the following 3 years.
  • 4. Bonn, E. W., W. M. Bailey, J. D. Bayless, K. E. Erickson, and R. E. Stevens, editors. 1976. Guidelines for striped bass culture. Striped Bass Committee of the Southern Division, American Fisheries Society. 125 pp. Detailed illustrated descriptions for the culture of striped bass are presented. Topics discussed include parasites and diseases of striped bass. Information is given on common pathogenic organisms and recommended treatments, and on the toxicity of various chemicals to eggs, fry, and fingerlings.
  • 5. Boone, J. G., S. F. Snieszko, E. Hollis, and G. L. Bullock. 1964. Pasteurella sp. from an epizootic of white perch (Roccus americanus) in Chesapeake Bay tidewater areas. J. Bacteriol. 88:18141815. Bacteria responsible for widespread disease in striped bass and white perch were isolated from blood and organs of moribund fish and identified as Pasteurella. No attempt was made to define the species.
  • 6. Bullock, G. L. 1978. Pasteurellosis of fishes. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv., Fish Dis. Leafl. 54. 7 pp. A review of comprehensive information on Pasteurella known to cause massive mortality of striped bass in the marine and estuarine environment. Pasteurellosis is also a potential threat to hatcherypropagated striped bass.
  • 7. Bullock, G. L., and R. L. Herman. 1985. Edwardsiella infections of fishes. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv., Fish Dis. Leafl. 71. 6 pp. A review of information on Edwardsiella tarda (which is known to cause pathology in striped bass) and E. ictaluri. The etiology, pathology, susceptible hosts, and control measures are described for both bacterial pathogens. The characteristic histopathology of infected striped bass consists of epithelial hyperplasia and necroses associated with the lateral line canals (from which E. tarda was isolated).
  • 8. Burreson, E. M., and D. E. Zwerner. 1980. Host range, life cycle, and pathology of Trypanoplasma bullocki in lower Chesapeake Bay fishes. J. Protozool. 27(3):23A24A. (Abstract 50) In a survey for hematozoa in Chesapeake Bay fishes, Trypanoplasma bullocki was found in 12 species of fish, including striped bass. The leech Calliobdella vivida, the vector for T. bullocki, was present from about October through May. Fish with moderate or heavy infections (>500/mm3) had depressed packed cell volumes, hemoglobin values, and red blood cell counts.
  • 9. Burreson, E. M., and D. E. Zwerner. 1982. The role of host biology, vector biology, and temperature in the distribution of Trypanoplasma bullocki infections in the lower Chesapeake Bay. J. Parasitol. 68:306313. Fish were collected from the lower Chesapeake Bay to determine the distribution and seasonal occurrence of Calliobdella vivida, an intermediate host of the hemoflagellate T. bullocki. The leech was collected throughout the lower Chesapeake Bay but was most abundant near the mouths of major rivers where salinities were 15 to 22 ppt. Of 21 striped bass examined, 2 were infected with T. bullocki.
  • 10. Chapman, W. R., F. A. Harris, and R. W. Miller. 1976. Incidence and seasonal variations of Epistylis among fishes in North Carolina reservoirs. Proc. Annu. Conf. Southeast. Assoc. Fish Wildl. Agencies 30:269275. Epistylis infections were found in 16 species of fish in the Yadkin and Catawba River reservoirs in North Carolina in 197475. The families most affected were Ictaluridae, Percichthyidae, and Centrarchidae. Incidence of the disease was highest during summer and fall. The most common infection site was inside the mouth. The bacterium Aeromonas hydrophila was often isolated from fish infested with Epistylis and was believed responsible for two large fish kills. Striped bass were susceptible to both pathogens.
  • 11. Collins, C. M., G. L. Burton, and R. L. Schweinforth. 1983. High density culture of white bass x striped bass fingerlings in raceways using power plant heated effluent. Division of Air and Water Resources, Tennessee Valley Authority, Knoxville (TVA/ONR/WR 8311). 19 pp. Flexibacter columnaris and Aeromonas hydrophila caused the most serious disease problems to intensively cultured hybrids of white bass (Morone chrysops) x striped bass. Gas supersaturation was suspected as contributing to the significant mortality (about 40%) of cagecultured hybrids. Aeration successfully degassed the incoming water and nearly eliminated gas bubble disease.
  • 12. Colt, J. 1984. Seasonal changes in dissolvedgas supersaturation in the Sacramento River and possible effects on striped bass. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 113:655665. Dissolved gas supersaturation, monitored in the Sacramento River system in 198182, was highest in spring, when temperature and flow were increasing rapidly, and was caused primarily by inflows of highly supersaturated water from the American and Feather rivers. Entrainment of air at dams did not appear to be responsible for gas supersaturation in these two streams. Gas supersaturation in the SacramentoSan Joaquin River system was at a level considered lethal to the eggs and larvae of striped bass in natural waters and salmonids in hatcheries.
  • 13. Cordonnier, L. M., and H. L. Ward. 1967. Pomphorhynchus rocci sp. n. (Acanthocephala) from the rock bass, Roccus saxatilis. J. Parasitol. 53:12951297. The new species, found in two of three "rock bass" (striped bass) from the coastal region of North Carolina, differs from other species of Pomphorhynchus in having 15 to 18 (rather than 14 or fewer) proboscis hooks in each longitudinal row.
  • 14. Cornacchia, J. W. 1982. Studies on the development and inflation of the swimbladder in two physoclistous fish, Morone saxatilis and Sarotherodon mossambica. Ph.D. thesis, University of California, Davis. 88 pp. Among larval striped bass exposed to 020 ppt salinity, those exposed to 15 and 20 ppt had the lowest proportion of gasfilled swimbladders (0 and 13%, respectively). Lowlevel gas supersaturation (102.9106.3% total gas pressure) produced swimbladder superinflation and intestinal bubbles in striped bass 1019 days old. Exposure to 105.9 to 106.3% total gas pressure for 24 h induced acute gas bubble disease and mortalities of 3034% over a period of 7281 h. Gas bubbles caused extensive damage to the intestinal mucosa. Resistance to gas bubble disease increased 29 days after hatching, and no advanced signs were shown. Because of the acute toxicity of gas supersaturation to larvae, total gas pressures should be maintained below 103% in larval rearing systems.
  • 15. Cornacchia, J. W., and J. E. Colt. 1984. The effects of dissolved gas supersaturation on larval striped bass Morone saxatilis (Walbaum). J. Fish Dis. 7:1527. Gas bubble disease in larval striped bass was characterized by overinflation of the swimbladder and the formation of intestinal bubbles. This accumulation of gas hindered normal swimming of the fish and in extreme cases caused the fish to float. A description is given of the internal pathology and susceptibility at various life stages.
  • 16. Davis, K. B., N. C. Parker, and M. A. Suttle. 1982. Plasma corticosteroids and chlorides in striped bass exposed to tricaine methanesulfonate, quinaldine, etomidate, and salt. Prog. FishCult. 44:205207. Plasma chloride and corticosteroid concentrations were measured in yearling striped bass exposed to 25 mg/L tricaine methanesulfonate, 2.5 mg/L quinaldine, or 0.1 mg/L etomidate (an experimental drug), alone and in combination with 10 g/L salt (NaCl). Etomidate alone or in combination with salt markedly suppressed the elevation of plasma corticosteroids. Etomidate appeared to be useful for suppressing physiological changes during the handling and transporting of striped bass.
  • 17. Deardorff, T. L. 1980. Adult ascaridoid nematodes from fishes of the northern Gulf of Mexico with notes on some larval forms. Ph.D. thesis, University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg. 221 pp. A new species of Goezia is described from striped bass collected from freshwater habitats in Florida.
  • 18. Deardorff, T. L., and R. M. Overstreet. 1980. Taxonomy and biology of North American species of Goezia (Nematoda: Anisakidae) from fishes, including three new species. Proc. Helminthol. Soc. Wash. 47:192217. A description of Goezia sinamora, a new species of nematode isolated from hatcherypropagated striped bass and two other species of fish collected from freshwater habitats in Florida. Striped bass became infested with G. sinamora by eating gizzard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum) infected with the nematode. The worms were found embedded in the stomach wall and free in the lumen of the stomach; a few had passed through the stomach and encysted in the body cavity.
  • 19. Dendy, J. S. 1978. Polyps of Craspedacusta sowerbyi as predators on young striped bass. Prog. Fish Cult.40:56. The feeding response of polyps, the asexual microhydras of Craspedacusta sowerbyi, to young striped bass is reported. Experiments in fresh water resulted in the microhydras attaching usually to the tail or body of the striped bass, sometimes killing them. Predation can be reduced or eliminated by culturing striped bass in saline water.
  • 20. Edwards, S. R., and F. M. Nahhas. 1968. Some endoparasites of fishes from the SacramentoSan Joaquin Delta, California. Calif. Fish Game 54:247256. A survey of 236 fish of 26 species from fresh waters of SacramentoSan Joaquin Delta revealed the presence of a number of helminths. Included is a description of a new species, Lepocreadium californianum, isolated from the intestine of a yearling striped bass.
  • 21. Gaines, J. L., Jr., and W. A. Rogers. 1971. Fish mortalities associated with Goezia sp. (Nematoda: Ascaroidea) in central Florida. Proc. Annu. Conf. Southeast. Assoc. Game Fish Comm. 25:496497. The first report of Goezia sp. from freshwater fish in North America. Extensive mortalities of striped bass resulted from the damage caused by these nematodes. The larval worms were embedded in the musculature of the stomach wall and caused mechanical damage to the connective tissue (possibly attributable to the spiny cuticle of the worms). Some worms were encysted in the mesentery.
  • 22. Guerra, C. R., and B. L. Godfriaux. 1978. Power plant waste heat utilization in aquaculture. Research and Development Department, Public Service Electric and Gas Co., Newark, N.J. 51 pp. Pondcultured striped bass infected with Saprolegnia did not respond to treatment with malachite green or copper sulfate. Daily applications of formalin at 100 ppm for 5 consecutive days effectively controlled the fungal infection.
  • 23. Hawke, J. P. 1976. A survey of the diseases of striped bass, Morone saxatilis, and pompano, Trachinotus carolinus, cultured in earthen ponds. Proc. World Maric. Soc. 7:495509. Pathogenic bacteria and parasitic protozoans were identified in routine examinations of striped bass cultured at the Peteet Mariculture Center and Auburn University Agricultural Experiment Station. At the mariculture center, striped bass were cultured in ponds and in indoor laboratory facilities supplied with brackish water. At the Auburn station, striped bass were cultured in freshwater earthen ponds. Bacterial septicemia and fin rot (caused by Aeromonas hydrophila and Vibrio anguillarum) affected fingerlings held in concrete vats in brackish water. Pondreared fingerlings held in cages developed fin rot (caused by A. hydrophila and Enterobacter cloacae) and fungal infestations (caused by Saprolegnia). Infestations of Trichodina and Chilodinella caused mortality in striped bass held in fiberglass tanks. Treatment with formalin at 15 ppm effectively halted mortality. The most frequently encountered and abundant parasites in striped bass cultured in freshwater ponds were Trichodinella and Trichophrya. Treatment with 15 ppm formalin and 0.1 ppm malachite green effectively controlled protozoan parasites.
  • 24. Helmboldt, C. F., and D. S. Wyand. 1971. Nephroblastoma in a striped bass. J. Wildl. Dis. 7:162165. A renal neoplasm with the pathologic characteristics of a nephroblastoma was found in a striped bass taken from Fisher's Island Sound, New York. The fish acted normally and seemed unaffected by the tumor.
  • 25. Hensley, G. H., and F. M. Nahhas. 1975. Parasites of fishes from the SacramentoSan Joaquin Delta, California. Calif. Fish Game 61:201208. In 197273, 545 fishes divided among 28 species were examined for parasitic infections. Parasites collected from striped bass included the trematode Cleidodiscus pricei (on the gills), the cestode Lacistorhynchus (encysted in muscle), and the nematode Spiroxys (in the intestine, stomach, caeca, and mesentery).
  • 26. Herman, R. L., and G. L. Bullock. 1986. Pathology caused by the bacterium Edwardsiella tarda in striped bass. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 115:232235. Edwardsiella tarda was isolated from moribund hatcheryreared striped bass fingerlings. Pathogenicity was confirmed by contact infection. Characteristic histopathology was epithelial hyperplasia and necrosis associated with the lateral line canals, and abscess formation in the anterior kidney and other internal organs.
  • 27. Hetrick, F. M., B. S. Roberson, and C. Tsai. 1982. Effect of heavy metals on the susceptibility and immune response of striped bass to bacterial pathogens. Office of Marine Pollution Assessment, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Rockville. Md. NOAA82112603. 32 pp. Exposure of striped bass for 96 h to sublethal doses of copper did not increase their susceptibility to Vibrio anguillarum or Pasteurella piscicida. No differences in mortalities were found in groups challenged with the bacteria as compared with those stressed with copper and then infected.
  • 28. Hetrick, F. M., L. W. Hall, Jr., S. Wolski, W. C. Graves, B. S. Roberson, and D. T. Burton. 1984. Influence of chlorine on the susceptibility of striped bass (Morone saxatilis) to Vibrio anguillarum. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 41:13751380. Exposure of striped bass for 96 h to sublethal concentrations of total residual chlorine (0.050.23 mg/L) did not increase their susceptibility to infection with the bacterial pathogen Vibrio anguillarum. Mortalities in the groups exposed to both chlorine and the pathogen did not differ significantly from those in groups exposed to only the bacteria. The LD50 of V. anguillarum for striped bass was influenced by the water temperature as well as by the size and immune status of the fish.
  • 29. Hickey, C. R., Jr., B. H. Young, and R. D. Bishop. 1977. Skeletal abnormalities in striped bass. N.Y. Fish Game J. 24:6985. Many types of skeletal anomalies have been reported to exist in fishes, but only one-pugheadedness-was previously reported in wild striped bass. The present authors described 23 anomalous striped bass (of year classes 1964 to 1973) collected in 1973 from localities near Long Island, New York. Pugheadedness was observed in eight adult and six youngoftheyear fish, and four other abnormal conditions were seen: crossbite, lordosis, scoliosis, and abnormal fins. The occurrence of abnormal conditions among hatchery-reared hybrids of striped bass was also noted. Anomalous striped bass are probably more numerous than previous reports tend to indicate; however, all the wild fish examined appeared capable of surviving.
  • 30. Hoffman, G. L., and J. A. Hutcheson. 1970. Unusual pathogenicity of a common metacercaria of fish. J. Wildl. Dis. 6:109. Metacercariae of Posthodiplostomum minimum centrarchi were found in the musculature and orbit of the eye of striped bass from North Carolina. Few infected fish died as a result of the infection, but many were deformed. Only a few metacercariae were in the visceral cavity and none were in the liver or kidney (the usual location of the metacercariae in centrarchid hosts).
  • 31. Hogan, T. M., and B. S. Williams. 1976. Occurrence of the gill parasite Ergasilus labracis on striped bass, white perch, and tomcod in the Hudson River. N. Y. Fish Game J. 23:97. The parasitic copepod E. labracis frequently occurred on the gill filaments of striped bass collected from the lower Hudson River in New York. Of 20 striped bass examined, 12 were infested with the copepod. The ages of infested striped bass ranged from 1 to more than 6 years.
  • 32. Hogans, W. E. 1984. Helminths of striped bass (Morone saxatilis) from the Kouchibouguac River, New Brunswick. J. Wildl. Dis. 20:6163. An examination of 17 striped bass yielded three species of trematodes, two species of acanthocephalans, and one species of nematode. Two of the six species of helminths recovered have not been previously reported from striped bass-the trematode Homalometron pallidium (in the stomach) and the acanthocephalan Neoechinorhynchus rutili (in the intestine).
  • 33. Horn, M. H., L. G. Allen, and F. D. Hagner. 1984. Ecological status of striped bass, Morone saxatilis, in upper Newport Bay, California. Calif. Fish Game 70:180182. Each April, from 1974 to 1977, the California Department of Fish and Game stocked 10,00014,000 juvenile striped bass into the upper Newport Bay estuary in southern California. This study offered the first opportunity to assess the performance of the introduced species in the environment of the upper estuary. Of the 36 striped bass collected, 75% were infested with the cymothoid isopod Nerocila californiensis, or had scars of infestation assumed to be from this ectoparasite. The parasite infested all fins of striped bass except the dorsal. The swimming ability and survival of the heavily parasitized fish may have been reduced.
  • 34. Horseman, L. O., and R. J. Kernehan. 1976. An indexed bibliography of the striped bass, Morone saxatilis, 16701976. Bulletin 13, Ichthyological Associates, Inc., Middletown, Delaware. 118 pp. This work contains 1,505 references on the striped bass, of which 47 concern diseases.
  • 35. Hughes, J. S. 1968. Toxicity of some chemicals to striped bass (Roccus saxatilis). Proc. Annu. Conf. Southeast. Assoc. Game Fish Comm. 22:230234. The toxicity of eight chemicals-malachite green, acriflavine, formalin, Diquat, sodium chloride, zinc, copper, and sodium sulfate-to 1weekold and lmonthold striped bass was determined by conducting bioassays. Malachite green was more toxic to larvae than to fingerlings. Fingerlings tolerated the recommended dosage of 0.1 ppm for 96 h; however, concentrations greater than 0.025 ppm should not be used for longterm treatment of larvae. Acriflavine, at 25 ppm for 1 to 4 h, was safely administered to both age groups of fish. Formalin was toxic to striped bass larvae and fingerlings at the recommended rate of 15 ppm for pondcultured fish. Diquat, used at the rate of 0.5 ppm, was safe for ponds containing striped bass fingerlings, but should not be used in ponds containing striped bass larvae. Recirculation of water through galvanized or copper pipe should be avoided. Mortalities of striped bass were caused by 0.28 ppm zinc in the water supply. The 96h LC50 for both larvae and fingerlings was 0.05 ppm. Sulfates should not cause high mortalities of striped bass in natural waters, as the 96h LC50 was 250 ppm for larvae and 350 ppm for fingerlings.
  • 36. Hughes, J. S. 1970. Tolerance of striped bass, Morone saxatilis (Walbaum), larvae and fingerlings to nine chemicals used in pond culture. Proc. Annu. Conf. Southeast. Assoc. Game Fish Comm. 24:431438 Bioassays were conducted to test the tolerance of larval and fingerling striped bass to different concentrations of potassium permanganate, potassium dichromate, copper sulfate, Dylox, ethyl parathion and methyl parathion, Karmex, butyl ester of 2,4D, and HTH. The fingerlings were more tolerant of Karmex, potassium dichromate, potassium permanganate, and butyl ester of 2,4D than were the larvae, whereas larvae were the more tolerant of ethyl parathion, methyl parathion, HTH, copper sulfate, and Dylox.
  • 37. Inslee, T. D. 1977. A preliminary report on the control of pathogenic fungi in earthen culture ponds. Proc. Annu. Conf. Southeast. Assoc. Fish Wildl. Agencies 31:418421. Fiftysix striped bass, captured with gill nets, were stocked in three earthen ponds to evaluate copper sulfate as a control for fungal infestations. On the day preceding stocking, two ponds were treated with 1.0 ppm copper sulfate and citric acid. Five additional treatments were applied on alternate days thereafter. One pond served as a control and was not treated. Seventeen fish in the control pond, but only 2 of 39 in the treated ponds, became infested with fungus. Preliminary in vitro studies substantiated the pond observations. Treatments with 0.5 or 1.0 ppm copper sulfate greatly reduced the size and density of fungus colonies. Formalin, malachite green, and potassium permanganate were less effective than copper sulfate.
  • 38. Johnson, C. A., and R. Harkema. 1970. A preliminary report on the life history of Pomphorhynchus rocci, an acanthocephalan parasite of the striped bass. J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 86:184185. Laboratory reared Gammarus tigerus were experimentally infected with Pomphorhynchus rocci and fed to 10 species of noninfected fish, including striped bass. Juvenile worms were recovered from striped bass. Under natural conditions, adult P. rocci were recovered from striped bass inhabiting the Albemarle Sound in North Carolina.
  • 39. Kelley, J. R., Jr. 1966. Preliminary report on methods for rearing striped bass, Roccus saxatilis (Walbaum), fingerlings. Proc. Annu. Conf. Southeast. Assoc. Game Fish Comm. 20:341346. Striped bass fingerlings were stocked in 5 ponds, 3 sections of a water control canal, and 14 metal troughs to devise successful techniques for rearing, handling, and controlling diseases. Columnaris disease reduced the growth and survival of fingerlings. The disease was controlled by a 72h static water treatment with 15 ppm tetracycline hydrochloride solution. After each 24 h the chemical was flushed from the holding tank and replaced with a new solution. Roccal and phorbol myristate acetate were also tested; however, all compounds caused side effects.
  • 40. Koo, T. S. Y., and M. L. Johnston. 1978. Larva deformity in striped bass, Morone saxatilis (Walbaum), and blueback herring, Alosa aestivalis (Mitchill), due to heat shock treatment of developing eggs. Environ. Pollut. 16:137149. Fertilized eggs of striped bass and blueback herring were subjected to timetemperature exposures typically experienced by entrained organisms in a power plant cooling system. Adverse effects were manifested in the larvae hatched by deformities such as shortened body, enlarged finfold, and curved or twisted spine. The severity and incidence of deformities were related to temperature dose, that is, the product of the elevated temperature and exposure time. No immediate or significant mortality was observed in deformed larvae, but the inability to swim normally suggested poor eventual survivability.
  • 41. Krantz, G. E. 1970. Lymphocystis in striped bass, Roccus saxatilis, in Chesapeake Bay. Chesapeake Sci. 11:137139. Two specimens of striped bass, both 13 inches long, were examined-one from St. Clement Bay, Potomac River, and the other from Ganey Wharf, Choptank River. The fins and body surfaces of both fish bore the characteristic nodules of lymphocystis.
  • 42. Lindsay, J. A., and R. L. Moran. 1976. Relationships of parasitic isopods Lironeca ovalis and Olencira praegustator to marine fish hosts in Delaware Bay. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 105:327332. Striped bass taken from the lower Delaware River were infected with the isopod L. ovalis. Only 1.5% of 273 striped bass examined were infested.
  • 43. MacFarlane, R. D. 1983. A quantitative and qualitative comparison of intestinal flora of striped bass (Morone saxatilis [Walbaum]) in an estuarine and a coastal marine environment; virulence of selected intestinal isolates and effects of heavy metals on disease susceptibility. Ph.D. thesis, Fordham University, New York. 139 pp. Monthly intestinal samples from 130 randomly selected striped bass, taken from an estuarine or coastal marine environment from May to October 1981, resulted in the development of 365 bacterial isolates, of which 96% were asporogenous gram-negative rods. Aeromonas hydrophila predominated in samples from the estuary and Vibrio in samples from the coast. The high percentage of pathogens found in the intestines of apparently healthy striped bass and the virulence of these pathogens indicated a potential for epizootics.
  • 44. MacFarlane, R. D., G. L. Bullock, and J. J. A. McLaughlin. 1986. Effects of five metals on susceptibility of striped bass to Flexibacter columnaris. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 115:227231. Exposure of young striped bass (weight, 8.5 to 34 g) to a mixture of arsenic, cadmium, copper, lead, and selenium at 4 and 10 times the average environmental concentrations of 1 to 3 µg/L protected the fish from experimental infection with Flexibacter columnaris. In four trials, all striped bass died within 7 days after a 2min exposure to 5 x 106 F. columnaris cells in untreated water. In contrast, no fish died after a single day's exposure to the mixture of metals followed by infection with F. columnaris and a second exposure to the metals for 7 more days. When striped bass were exposed for 5 days to individual metals, copper protected against infection and cadmium offered marginal protection but was slightly toxic after 2 days of exposure. Arsenic increased susceptibility to infection, and lead and selenium had no apparent effect.
  • 45. MacFarlane, R. D., J. J. McLaughlin, and G. L. Bullock. 1986. Quantitative and qualitative studies of gut flora in striped bass from estuarine and coastal marine environments. J. Wildl. Dis. 22:344348. Examination of the intestinal contents of 130 striped bass collected from the Hudson River and Long Island Sound from May to October 1981 showed that opportunistic fish pathogens-especially Aeromonas hydrophila-predominated in samples from both locations. Other isolates from both groups of striped bass included Vibrio, pseudomonads, flavobacteria, Alcaligenes, and enterics. Small numbers of Micrococcus, Bacillus, Corynebacterium, and Acinetobacter were also isolated. Total numbers of bacteria in the intestines were 100 to 1,000 times higher in striped bass from the Hudson River than in those from Long Island Sound.
  • 46. McCann, J. A., and R. K. Hitch. 1980. Simazine toxicity to fingerling striped bass. Prog. FishCult. 42:180181. A series of 96h LC50 tests were carried out to resolve the differences in reported toxicity of simazine to fingerling striped bass. Test results with solutions of aquazine (simazine 80% wettable powder) showed that the LC50 was 180 ppm in both hard and soft water. The large differences in LC50 previously reported suggest that the presence of an additive in the formulation or differences in handling resulted in mortality.
  • 47. Mitchell, A. J. 1984. Parasites and diseases of striped bass. Pages 177204 in J. P. McCraren, ed. The aquaculture of striped bass: a proceedings. UMSGMAP8401. University of Maryland, College Park. A comprehensive review of infectious and noninfectious diseases and parasites of striped bass with a listing of treatment and control measures. Diseases and parasites are ranked according to their effect on cultured striped bass. Among more than 70 infectious agents of striped bass, only 8 are considered important disease producers-the bacteria Flexibacter columnaris, Aeromonas, Pseudomonas, and Vibrio; the protozoan parasite Trichodina; the dinoflagellate Amyloodinium; and the external fungi Saprolegnia and Achlya.
  • 48. McIlwain, T. D. 1980. Rearing and stocking striped bass-Mississippi Gulf Coast. NOAA80060403. National Marine Fisheries Service, St. Petersburg, Fla. 97 pp. The dinoflagellate Amyloodinium ocellatum was responsible for large fish kills of striped bass in the wild. The parasite attacks the gills, fins, and skin of striped bass; once introduced into a culture system, it is difficult to control and may cause significant mortality. However, an attempt to infect cultured striped bass with the dinoflagellate failed.
  • 49. Meyer, F. P., and J. A. Robinson. 1973. Branchiomycosis: a new fungal disease of North American fishes. Prog. FishCult. 35:7477. Mortality of fingerling striped bass at a fish hatchery in Arkansas was attributed to a gill disease identified as "gill rot" caused by the fungus Branchiomyces sanguinis. The affected gill tissues became necrotic and were white or brownish due to impaired circulation. Often necrotic tissues sloughed off, leaving denuded areas on the gill arches. Infected fish became extremely weak, showed respiratory distress, lost their equilibrium, and died. An initial pond treatment of formalin at 15 ppm, followed by applications of 25 ppm, stopped mortality. Repeated treatments were required to control the infection. The authors recommended that infected fish be destroyed and ponds sterilized before draining because branchiomycosis sometimes reappears if ponds are not thoroughly dried.
  • 50. Miller, R. W. 1974. Incidence and cause of gas bubble disease in a heated effluent. Pages 7993 in J. W. Gibbons and R. R. Sharitz, eds. Thermal ecology. Proceedings of a symposium held at Augusta, Georgia, 35 May 1973. Technical Information Center, Office of Information Services, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Oak Ridge, Tenn. Fish samples from the heated efluent of Marshall Stream Station on Lake Norman, North Carolina, during winter and spring in 197172, included nine species of fish with external symptoms of gas-bubble disease. Popeye of one or both eyes and gas bubbles in the fins were the most commonly observed signs. However, only 1 of the 17 striped bass collected showed signs of the disease.
  • 51. Miller, R. W., and W. R. Chapman. 1976. Epistylis and Aeromonas hydrophila infections in fishes from North Carolina reservoirs. Prog. FishCult. 38:165168. Epistylis and Aeromonas hydrophila were isolated from dead and dying fishes, including striped bass, from North Carolina reservoirs. Moribund striped bass had external hemorrhages, various degrees of epidermal tissue erosion, and external lesions from which Epistylis was isolated; A. hydrophila was isolated from the kidneys of some infected fish.
  • 52. Moser, M., J. Whipple, J. Sakanari, and C. Reilly. 1983. Protandrous hermaphroditism in striped bass from Coos Bay, Oregon. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 112:567569. Of 42 adult striped bass collected from Coos Bay, Oregon, 11 were possibly protandrous. The older hermaphrodites, 7 to 10 years old, showed increased signs of pathology associated with egg retention.
  • 53. Moser, M., J. Sakanari, S. Wellings, and K. Lindstrom. 1984. Incompatibility between San Francisco striped bass, Morone saxatilis (Walbaum), and the metacestode, Lacistorhynchus tenuis (Beneden, 1858). J. Fish Dis. 7:397400. The cestode is parasitic in elasmobranchs, but incompatibility causes the metacestode to die soon after it becomes embedded in the mesentery or muscle of striped bass. Clusters of the parasite become encapsulated with fibrous tissues and produce an inflammatory response when the clusters touch the peritoneum. Such clusters can be expelled through the body wall in a chronic process. Lesions are described and illustrated.
  • 54. Moser, M., J. A. Sakanari, C. A. Reilly, and J. Whipple. 1985. Prevalence, intensity, longevity, and persistence of Anisakis sp. larvae and Lacistorhynchus tenuis metacestodes in San Francisco striped bass. Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv. Tech. Rep. 29:14. A total of 1,373 striped bass were collected to correlate diet with parasitic infections and to determine the prevalence, intensity, longevity, and persistence of larval nematodes of Anisakis and a metacestode of L. tenuis. As the striped bass increased in age, the prevalence and intensity of L. tenuis increased-probably as a consequence of diet and of the persistence of the parasites. Striped bass off San Francisco were incompatible hosts, as degenerated Anisakis remained in the fish for 8 months and L. tenuis metacestodes for 22 months. The occurrence of several other species of parasites and a tumor are also reported.
  • 55. Newman, M. W. 1977. Lymphocystis disease of striped bass. Pages 272273 in C. J. Sindermann, ed. Disease diagnosis and control in North American marine aquaculture. Developments in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science. Vol. 6. Elsevier NorthHolland, Inc., New York. A review of information on lymphocystis disease of striped bass. The gross signs of infected striped bass include the presence of raised, grayishwhite nodules on the fins and body of the fish. The disease has been reported to occur in striped bass from the east coast of North America.
  • 56. Newman, M. W. 1977. Pasteurella disease of striped bass. Pages 278281 in C. J. Sindermann, ed. Disease diagnosis and control in North American marine aquaculture. Developments in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science. Vol. 6. Elsevier North-Holland, Inc., New York. A review of information on the susceptibility of striped bass to Pasteurella disease, which was first reported in striped bass from the Chesapeake Bay in 1972. The internal pathology included progressive necrosis of the spleen, liver, and kidney. Chloramphenicol fed daily at 2040 mg/kg of body weight for 5 days was an effective treatment. Suggested preventive measures included reducing environmental stressors where possible.
  • 57. Overstreet, R. M. 1971. Neochasmus sogandaresi n. sp. (Trematoda: Cryptogonimidae) from the striped bass in Mississippi. Trans. Am. Microsc. Soc. 90:8789. The cryptogonimid trematode Neochasmus sogandaresi n. sp. is described from the intestine and pyloric caeca of a single specimen of hatchery-propagated striped bass from the West Pascagoula River in Mississippi. This trematode differs from other species in being larger and in having a greater number of oral spines, an elongated muscular pad, and other individual differences. The striped bass probably represents a normal host for the trematode, as numerous specimens were present.
  • 58. Paperna, I. E., and D. E. Zwerner. 1973. Preliminary report on the dynamics of parasitic infections in the striped bass, Morone saxatilis (Walbaum), from the York River. Va. J. Sci. 24(3):132. (Abstract) A total of 419 striped bass 1 year old or older and 142 young of the year from the York River were examined in 197273 for parasites and associated pathological changes. Forty species of parasites, including microbial agents, were recognized. Seasonal fluctuations were shown by populations of the copepod Ergasilus labracis (on the gills), the nematode Philometra rubra (in the body cavity), the acanthocephalan Pomphorhynchus rocci (in the intestine), the isopod Lironeca ovalis (on the gills), and the branchiuran Argulus bicolor (on the skin). Prevalence, parasite burden, and reproductive activity of these parasites were associated with definite pathological changes.
  • 59. Paperna, I., and D. E. Zwerner. 1974. Kudoa cerebralis sp. n. (Myxosporidea, Chloromyxidae) from the striped bass, Morone saxatilis (Walbaum). J. Protozool. 21:1519 Kudoa cerebralis sp. n. is described from connective tissue of the nervous system in striped bass from the southern Chesapeake Bay area. This is the first time the genus Kudoa was found in association with the nervous system. Cysts of the parasite in the cranial cavity caused distortion and displacement of neural elements at the infection site and in adjacent ganglia and nerves. There were no visible external signs of the disease.
  • 60. Paperna, I., and D. E. Zwerner. 1976. Parasites and diseases of striped bass, Morone saxatilis (Walbaum), from the lower Chesapeake Bay. J. Fish Biol. 9:267281 A survey to determine presence of parasitic disease organisms and their effect on estuarine populations of striped bass was conducted monthly from May 1972 to May 1973. A total of 514 fish 1 year old or older and 140 young of the year were examined by using standard necropsy and histological procedures. Other species of fish were studied to determine the specificity of striped bass parasites and to determine if other fishes were reservoirs for striped bass pathogens. The authors identified 45 species of parasitic organisms, from viruses to metazoa, in striped bass. The most common parasites were listed in order of prevalence for the various age groups of fish. Heavy infections by some species of parasites were associated with definite pathological conditions.
  • 61. Paperna, I., and D. E. Zwerner. 1976. Studies on Ergasilus labracis Krøyer (Cyclopidea: Ergasilidae) parasitic on striped bass, Morone saxatilis, from the lower Chesapeake Bay. I. Distribution, life cycle, and seasonal abundance. Can. J. Zool. 54:449462 Information on the distribution, life cycle, and seasonal abundance of the copepod Ergasilus labracis, parasitic on the gills of striped bass of the Chesapeake Bay, was based on a 12month survey . The prevalence of E. labracis was 90% in all localities sampled; this copepod was present and reproductively active throughout the year, except that egg production slowed temporarily at the beginning of winter. The invasion of striped bass gills by infective larvae peaked during April and May; secondary peaks were in July and October.
  • 62. Paperna, I., and D. E. Zwerner. 1982. Hostparasite relationship of Ergasilus labracis Krøyer (Cyclopidea, Ergasilidae) and the striped bass, Morone saxatilis (Walbaum) from the lower Chesapeake Bay. Ann. Parasitol. Hum. Comp. 57:393405. Epithelial hyperplasia was the most distinctive pathological change in gill filaments of striped bass from the lower Chesapeake Bay that were infested by Ergasilus labracis. The tissue reaction began in the filament area nearest the mouth of the attached parasite. Interruption of parasite egg sac production and eventual dislodgment, associated with swelling of the gill filaments, occurred unilaterally on gill arches of either side of the branchial basket.
  • 63. Plumb, J. A., T. E. Schwedler, and C. Limsuwan. 1983. Experimental anesthesia of three species of freshwater fish with etomidate. Prog. FishCult. 45:3033. Bioassays were conducted with 4monthold striped bass to estimate the LC50 values for three anesthetics-etomidate, tricaine methanesulfonate, and quinaldine. Under the test conditions, etomidate compared favorably with the other two commonly used fish anesthetics. The primary advantages of etomidate were the lower effective concentration required, the possibility of longer exposure to an effective concentration, and the direct relation between concentration of the anesthetic solution and the degree of anesthesia evoked.
  • 64. Powell, M. R. 1972. Cage and raceway culture of striped bass in brackish water in Alabama. Proc. Annu. Conf. Southeast. Assoc. Game Fish Comm. 26:345356. Cage and raceway culture of striped bass in brackish water was conducted at the Marine Resources Laboratory, Dauphin Island, Alabama, from July to November 1971. Observations indicated that bacterial diseases involving marine forms of pseudomonads, chromobacters, and flavobacters may limit the culture of striped bass in the marine environment. The drug resistance threshold appeared to be higher in marine than in freshwater forms of these pathogens.
  • 65. Powell, M. R. 1973. Striped bass, Morone saxatilis, production to establish commercial stocks in Alabama estuaries. Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Marine Resources Division, Alabama Marine Resources Laboratory, Dauphin Island. 25 pp. Culture in cages, raceways, and ponds from 1970 to 1973 is summarized. In 1972, a Pseudomonas infection caused significant mortality in striped bass cultured in raceways. Treatment with tetracycline hydrochloride and sulfathiozole was ineffective. Fish were placed in cages and stocked into Dauphin Island Bay with the hope that a change of environment might reduce mortality; however, all fish died.
  • 66. Powell, N. A. 1970. Striped bass in air shipment. Prog. FishCult. 32:18. Striped bass were transported in a 1% salt solution and in 1% salt solution plus 7 ppm tricaine methanesulfonate in a 4h experiment. The water containing the salt and tricaine methanesulfonate was aerated for 15 min every hour. Striped bass transported in both media were in good condition when they reached the stocking site.
  • 67. Rankin, J. S. 1941. Parasites and abnormalities of the striped bass. Studies of the striped bass (Roccus saxatilis) of the Atlantic Coast. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv. Fish. Bull. 50:5556. A review of the parasites reported for striped bass in 193638. The author speculated that parasites of striped bass have little effect on their host. Nematode infestations never appear to be seriously harmful. Copepod infestations are common in marine fish. Trematode infestations are rare and of little consequence in striped bass in their natural habitat. Cataracts of the eye were observed in a number of striped bass collected from the Thames River. Bilateral cataracts were more common in striped bass more than 2 years old than in younger fish.
  • 68. Roberson, B. S., S. Wolski, and F. M. Hetrick. 1982. AntiVibrio anguillarum antibody among striped bass (Morone saxatilis) following injection with viable bacteria, or ambient exposure to isolated Oantigen or environmental vibrios. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Atlanta, Ga., 712 March 1982. (Abstract B91) Striped bass held in filtered and unfiltered water drawn from the Chesapeake Bay were bled at intervals after injection with viable Vibrio anguillarum or a 2min immersion in Oantigen (50 mg/L) extracted from this bacterium. Serum antibody levels were estimated by thin layer immunoassay and enzymelinked immunosorbent assay procedures in which the Oantigen was used as the test antigen. Antibody levels were enhanced among survivors of virulence titrations, as well as among fish exposed to the Oantigen. Antibody was found in control fish (untreated or injected with phosphate buffered saline) after minor, late spring outbreaks attributable to vibrios entering the holding tanks by way of the water supply, and was accompanied by increased resistance to experimental challenge with viable V. anguillarum. In contrast, fish in fresh water failed to develop antibody unless intentionally exposed to vibrio antigens.
  • 69. Sakanari, J. A., C. A. Reilly, and M. Moser. 1983. Tubercular lesions in Pacific coast populations of striped bass. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 112:565566. Tubercular lesions were found in striped bass from four areas in northern California and Coos Bay. The prevalence of infected striped bass ranged from 25 to 68% in California and was 46% in Oregon. This was the first report of tubercles caused by an acid fast bacillus in wild populations of west coast striped bass.
  • 70. Sakanari, J. A., M. Moser, C. A. Reilly, and T. P. Yoshino. 1984. Effects of sublethal concentrations of zinc and benzene on striped bass, Morone saxatilis (Walbaum), infected with larval Anisakis nematodes. J. Fish Biol. 24:553563. Youngoftheyear striped bass exposed to sublethal concentrations of zinc and benzene were surgically infected with 25 Anisakis larvae. Both pollutants and parasites significantly decreased haematocrit index values. Anisakis alone increased the liver somatic index, decreased hematocrits, and initially lowered antibody titers. Pollutants alone did not appear to affect antibody titers significantly, nor was there any difference in zinc and benzene uptake in the livers of infected and uninfected fish.
  • 71. Sandifer, P. A., and J. H. Kerby. 1983. Early life history and biology of the common fish parasite, Lironeca ovalis (Say) (Isopoda, Cymothoidae). Estuaries 6:420425. Lironeca ovalis is a common parasite of striped bass in the Chesapeake Bay. The young isopods are freeswimming for 12 weeks, but may be able to extend their free existence by moving from host to host by way of the plankton. Both mature and immature forms of the parasite attach to the branchial chamber of the host. Newly liberated larvae of L. ovalis were found to be identical to Aegathoa medialis, suggesting that A. medialis is a young stage of L. ovalis. The parasites are easily dislodged and were not observed feeding on the host. The external anatomy of L. ovalis is described.
  • 72. Schutz, M., E. B. May, J. N. Kraeuter, and F. M. Hetrick. 1984. Isolation of infectious pancreatic necrosis virus from an epizootic occurring in cultured striped bass, Morone saxatilis (Walbaum). J. Fish Dis. 7:505507. When heavy mortality occurred among fry, in the absence of other pathogens, five pools of larvae were examined for the virus of infectious pancreatic necrosis (IPN). Histological lesions were suggestive of IPN, and the IPN virus was isolated (but not quantified) from all five pools. The virus was also isolated from the kidneys of survivors 6 months later. Source of the virus and its role in the epizootic were not determined. The authors speculated about possible relations between striped bass mortalities and spinning disease in menhaden (Brevoortia).
  • 73. Setzler, E. M., W. R. Boynton, K. V. Wood, H. H. Zion, L. Lubbers, N. K. Mountford, P. Frere, L. Tucker, and J. A. Mihursky. 1980. Synopsis of biological data on striped bass, Morone saxatilis (Walbaum). Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv. Circ. 433. 69 pp. The synopsis reviews literature on the taxonomy, morphology, distribution, life history, population, ecology, recreational and commercial harvest, and culture of the striped bass. Diseases, parasites, and abnormalities are summarized.
  • 74. Sills, J. B., and P. D. Harman. 1970. Efficacy and residues of quinaldine sulfate, an anesthetic for striped bass (Roccus saxatilis). Proc. Annu. Conf. Southeast Assoc. Game Fish Comm. 24:546549. Striped bass exposed to solutions of quinaldine sulfate containing 10, 25, 40, and 55 ppm of quinaldine were effectively anesthetized at concentrations of 25 to 55 ppm. Residues in muscle tissue of fish exposed to 40 ppm of quinaldine at 4°C for 10 min reached 2.6 ppm, but were essentially gone after 24 h of recovery in fresh water.
  • 75. Sindermann, C. J., editor. 1977. Disease diagnosis and control in North American marine aquaculture. Developments in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science. Vol. 6. Elsevier NorthHolland, Inc., New York. The diagnosis and control of diseases in marine aquaculture are discussed, including those of striped bass. Information is given on five diseases of striped bass: epitheliocystis, lymphocystis, tail rot, pasteurellosis, and deformities.
  • 76. Sindermann, C. J. 1977. A synopsis of diseases and disease control measures in United States marine aquaculture. Int. Counc. Explor. Sea, CM 1977/ E:15. 17 pp. A synopsis of significant disease problems of marine aquaculture species, including striped bass. The significant diseases of striped bass that have been reported are lymphocystis, epitheliocystis, and fin erosion. The disease signs, causes, and control measures are given.
  • 77. Smith, R. E., and R. J. Kernehan. 1981. Predation by the freeliving copepod, Cyclops bicuspidatus thomasi, on larvae of the striped bass and white perch. Estuaries 4:8183. Specimens of the freeliving copepod Cyclops bicuspidatus thomasi were found attached to larvae of striped bass and white perch collected in the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal and adjacent waters. Damage to most larvae was limited to a constriction of tissue near the point of attachment, but other larvae showed more severe injuries, such as missing parts of the finfold or a ruptured yolk sac. In most larvae the damage was extensive enough to cause death.
  • 78. Stave, J. W., B. S. Roberson, and F. M. Hetrick. 1983. Chemiluminescence of phagocytic cells isolated from the pronephros of striped bass. Dev. Comp. Immunol. 7:269276. Phagocytosis of bacterial fish pathogens by cells isolated from the pronephros of striped bass was measured by assaying chemiluminescence. Results of the assay, which proved to be readily reproducible, indicated that the degree of phagocytosis was related to the number and species of bacteria used. Cells from individual fish yielded phagocytic responses that were similar, but of different magnitudes.
  • 79. Stave, J. W., B. S. Roberson, and F. M. Hetrick. 1984. Factors affecting the chemiluminescent response of fish phagocytes. J. Fish Biol. 25:197206. The effects of several factors on the phagocytic activity of cells isolated from the pronephros of striped bass were measured by a chemiluminescence assay. The chemiluminescent responses of phagocytes to various concentrations of bacteria, phorbol myristate acetate, and zymosan were shown to be dosedependent. Incubation of phagocytes with phorbol myristate acetate resulted in a decrease in cell numbers related to the concentration of this chemical used in the assay. Opsonization of Aeromonas hydrophila with pooled serum from normal striped bass decreased the number of colonyforming units present in suspension, while enhancing the chemiluminescent response by striped bass phagocytes. Opsonization of zymosan also resulted in an enhanced chemiluminescent response.
  • 80. Stave, J. W., and B. S. Roberson. 1985. Hydrocortisone suppresses the chemiluminescent response of striped bass phagocytes. Dev. Comp. Immunol. 9:7784. Phyocytic cells obtained from the pronephros of striped bass were exposed in vitro to various levels of hydrocortisone acetate. This treatment reduced the normal ability of the cells to generate a chemiluminescent response when they were exposed to bacteria or phorbol myristate acetate. Although the levels of hydrocortisone were higher than the physiological level in fish, suppression was dose-dependent and not attributable to a reduction in cell viability. Whereas phagocytic chemiluminescence has been linked to the respiratory burst and bactericidal activity, the possibility exists that stressinduced elevations in serum corticosteroids lead to increased susceptibility to infection.
  • 81. Taylor, P. W. 1977. Isolation and experimental infection of freeliving amebae in freshwater fishes. J. Parasitol. 63:232237. Organs from 11 of 23 species of fish collected in nine southeastern States that were screened for the presence of small, freeliving amebae contained species of the genera Acanthamoeba, Naegleria, and Vahlkampfia. Acanthamoeba of three strains were injected into fish to determine their infectivity and pathogenicity. Strains used were an A. polyphaga MC1 isolated from the spleen of striped bass, the pathogenic A5 strain of A. culbertsoni, and the pathogenic Lilly A1 strain of A. culbertsoni. The MC1 strain of A. polyphaga established systemic infections in many organs of the test fish, whereas the two strains of A. culbertsoni produced no infection in fish under laboratory conditions.
  • 82. Toranzo, A. E., J. L. Barja, R. R. Colwell, F. M. Hetrick, and J. H. Crosa. 1983. Haemagglutinating, haemolytic and cytotoxic activities of Vibrio anguillarum and related vibrios isolated from striped bass on the Atlantic Coast. FEMS (Fed. Eur. Microbiol. Soc.) Microbiol. Lett. 18:257262. Hemolytic activity, adhesiveness to cell surfaces, and cytotoxic activity for fish cell lines of the vibrios were investigated for possible relations between the properties and virulence. The role of hemolysins could not be determined.
  • 83. Toranzo, A. E., J. L. Barja, S. A. Potter, R. R. Colwell, F. M. Hetrick, and J. H. Crosa. 1983. Molecular factors associated with virulence of marine vibrios isolated from striped bass in Chesapeake Bay. Infect. Immun. 39:12201227. On the basis of cultural and biochemical properties, as well as DNA homology assays, 81 Vibrio strains isolated from diseased striped bass and from Chesapeake Bay water were assigned to eight distinct groups. All organisms belonging to two of the groups were pathogenic for striped bass and were identified as Vibrio anguillarum; organisms in the other six groups were nonpathogenic and designated as Vibrio sp. Molecular factors associated with the pathogenic and nonpathogenic groups are discussed.
  • 84. Wechsler, S. J., P. E. McAllister, F. M. Hetrick, and D. P. Anderson. 1986. Effect of exogenous corticosteroids on circulating virus and neutralizing antibodies in striped bass (Morone saxatilis) infected with infectious pancreatic necrosis virus. Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol. 12:305311. Corticosteroids given to striped bass before virus inoculation extended the duration of the viremia and reduced development of circulating neutralizing antibodies. Steroid administration to longterm virus carriers caused neither viremia nor a change in neutralizing antibodies.
  • 85. Wechsler, S. J., C. L. Schultz, P. E. McAllister, E. B. May, and F. M. Hetrick. 1986. Infectious pancreatic necrosis virus in striped bass Morone saxatilis: experimental infection of fry and fingerlings. Dis. Aquat. Org. 1:203208. Fry and fingerling striped bass representing four strains were challenged with infectious pancreatic necrosis virus. No clinical or histopathological signs of the disease resulted. Striped bass exposed to the virus and subjected to shifts in pH and temperature showed no increased mortalities compared with control groups. Fish 60 days old inoculated with virus developed infections that persisted for at least 14 months. Although infectious pancreatic necrosis virus was not pathogenic in experimentally challenged striped bass, the fish became virus carriers.
  • 86. Wellborn, T. L., Jr. 1969. The toxicity of nine therapeutic and herbicidal compounds to striped bass. Prog. FishCult. 31:2732. Striped bass fingerlings were exposed to concentrations of nine therapeutic and herbicidal compounds used in the control of diseases and aquatic vegetation in rearing fish. The 24, 48, and 96h LC50 values were determined for each compound at 21°C. Copper sulphate and simazine were the most toxic, and Polyotic and Globe Terramycin Pet Tabs the least toxic. Formalin in high concentrations could be tolerated for short periods, but the fish were sensitive to low concentrations over long periods. Recommended concentrations of potassium permanganate for the control of ectoparasites were too toxic for use, but diquat and Karmex were nontoxic at the concentrations recommended for weed control. Dylox had a wide safety range of concentration for the control of ectoparasites. It appeared that striped bass were more sensitive than many other freshwater species to the compounds tested.
  • 87. Wellborn, T. L., Jr. 1971. Toxicity of some compounds to striped bass fingerlings. Prog. FishCult. 33:3236. In bioassays conducted with striped bass fingerlings, LC50 values were determined for nine therapeutic and herbicidal compounds. The most toxic chemicals at a 96h exposure were lindane and malathion, with LC50's of 0.40 and 0.24 ppm, respectively. Malachite green oxalate was the most toxic compound, showing a 24h LC50 of 0.30 ppm. The herbicides casoron and aquathol were the least toxic of compounds tested, having 96h LC50's of 6,200 and 710 ppm, respectively.
  • 88. Wiles, M. 1981. Successful rearing of striped bass, Morone saxatilis (Walbaum), from fertilised eggs in small aquaria, with reference to environment, feeding and growth, and bacterial disease. Pages 518521 in R. Lasker and K. Sherman, eds. The early life history of fish: recent studies. Rapp. et P.V. Reun., Vol. 178, Copenhagen, Denmark. A comprehensive study of the cultural requirements of striped bass, including identification of bacterial pathogens isolated from the lesions of 37dayold fish. When the affected fish were treated with 5 ppm chloramphenicol, the lesions healed within 7 days.
  • 89. Williams, E. H., Jr., R. P. Phelps, J. L. Gaines, Jr., and L. F. Bunkley. 1974. Gramnegative pathogenic bacteria of some fishes before and after cage culture. Proc. World Maric. Soc. 5:283289. Samples of five species of fish, including striped bass, were examined for bacteria before and after they were stocked in cages used in a mariculture experiment at Dauphin Island, Alabama, in 1971. Pseudomonas fluorescens was isolated from 5% of the striped bass before they were stocked; however, no bacteria were isolated from postculture samples.
  • 90. Williams, E. H., Jr., and R. P. Phelps. 1976. Parasites of some mariculture fishes before and after cage culture. Pages 216230 in H. H. Webber and G. D. Ruggieri, eds. Fooddrugs from the sea. Proceedings of the 4th Conference, Marine Science Center, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, 1721 November 1974. Marine Technology Center, Washington, D.C. Five species of fish, including striped bass, were examined for parasites before and after cage culture at Dauphin Island, Alabama. In an examination of striped bass after cage culture, heavy infestations of Scyphidia were seen on the skin and gills. Trichodina originally infested 100% of the striped bass, but this percentage decreased to 30 after treatment before stocking; however, the intensity of infestation remained moderate to heavy among affected individuals. Formalin treatments at 100 ppm for 3 h were temporarily effective in controlling protozoan parasites; treatments were repeated when necessary.
  • 91. Williams, J. E., P. A. Sandifer, and J. M. Lindbergh. 1981. Netpen culture of striped bass x white bass hybrids in estuarine waters of South Carolina: a pilot study. J. World Maric. Soc. 12:98110. Striped bass fingerlings in net pen culture experienced an outbreak of Vibrio anguillarum during a period of decreasing salinity. Mortality was nil in vaccinated fish, but was about 50% in nonvaccinated fingerlings.
  • 92. Wirtanen, L. J., and R. H. Ray. 1971. Striped bass Morone saxatilis (Walbaum) 1970 report on the development of essential requirements for production. U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Atlanta, Ga. 37 pp. A detailed analysis of the techniques, procedures, and results of propagating striped bass at the Edenton (North Carolina) National Fish Hatchery. Striped bass fingerlings that became infested with Trichodina, Scyphidia, and Chilodonella were treated with formalin at 1:6,000 for 15 min. The formalin treatment was effective; only a few Scyphidia were found on the fingerlings. Although the fingerlings were heavily infested with parasites, none became moribund.
  • 93. Wolke, R. E., D. S. Wyand, and L. H. Khairallah. 1970. A light and electron microscopic study of epitheliocystis disease in the gills of Connecticut striped bass (Morone saxatilis) and white perch (Morone americanus). J. Comp. Pathol. 80:559563. Six cases of epitheliocystis disease affecting the gills of Connecticut striped bass and white perch were diagnosed by light and electron microscopy. The epitheliocystis organisms were found in the epithelial cells of lamellae, where they caused hypertrophy of the affected cells. Electron microscopic examination showed that the epitheliocystis agent had morphologic characteristics similar to those of members of the Bedsonia group.
  • 94. Zachary, A., and I. Paperna. 1977. Epitheliocystis disease in the striped bass Morone saxatilis from the Chesapeake Bay. Can. J. Microbiol. 23:14041414. Epitheliocystis disease in the gills of striped bass from Chesapeake Bay was studied by light and electron microscopy. The epitheliocystis infection appeared to be synchronous, in that all capsules on a single host were at the same stage of development. The disease appeared to begin in a single cell on the gill lamellae, which gradually enlarged to form a large cyst, encapsulated by a thick cellular capsule of epithelial origin.
  • Subject Index

    Anatomy and histology 14, 24, 29, 40, 52, 67, 73, 75

    Immunology 27, 28, 43, 68, 78, 79, 80, 82, 83, 84, 85

    Bacterial diseases

    General 1, 4, 23, 34, 43, 45, 47, 60, 64, 73, 75, 76, 88

  • Aeromonas hydrophila 10, 11, 23, 43, 45, 51, 89
  • Edwardsiella tarda 7, 26
  • Flexibacter columnaris 11, 39, 43, 44
  • Mycobacterium 69
  • Pasteurella 5, 6, 27, 56, 60, 75
  • Pseudomonas 45, 64, 65, 89
  • Vibrio 23, 27, 28, 43, 45, 68, 82, 83, 89, 91
  • Chlamydia

    Epitheliocystis 75, 76, 93, 94

    Parasitic diseases

  • General 4, 34, 47, 54, 60, 67, 73, 75
  • Acanthocephalans 13, 32, 38, 58, 60
  • Algae 48, 60
  • Amebae 81
  • Cestodes 25, 53, 54, 60
  • Copepods 31, 58, 60, 61, 62
  • Digenetic trematodes 20, 30, 32, 57
  • Fungal diseases 3, 22, 23, 37, 49
  • Isopods 2, 33, 42, 58, 71
  • Monogenetic trematodes 25, 60, 90
  • Myxosporidia 59, 60
  • Nematodes 17, 18, 21, 25, 32, 54, 58, 70

    Protozoans 1, 8, 9, 10, 23, 51, 60, 90, 92

  • Freeliving copepods 77
  • Coelenterates 19
  • Viral diseases
  • Infectious pancreatic necrosis 72, 84, 85

    Lymphocystis 41, 55, 60, 75, 76

    Noninfectious disease

  • Gas bubble disease 11, 12, 15, 50
  • Toxicity
  • Heavy metals 27, 43, 44, 70

    Drugs or other chemicals 16, 28, 35, 36, 37,

    46, 47, 63, 66, 70, 74, 86, 87

    U.S. Department of the Interior || U.S. Geological Survey
    11649 Leetown Road, Kearneysville, WV 25430, USA
    Last Modified: February 26, 2004 dwn
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