Subtask 7.10.   Phase 1, Final draft report.   Resident fish investigation on the lower Susitna River / by Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies for Acres American Incorporated.

Anchorage, Alaska : Alaska Department of Fish and Game, 1981.



APA NumberRTS NumberSUS NumberSection
318977 Main Report

Contents:   Summary -- Introduction -- Species reports, resident fish: Rainbow trout ; Arctic grayling ; Burbot ; Round whitefish ; Humpback whitefish ; Bering cisco ; Longnose sucker ; Dolly Varden ; Threespine stickleback ; Cottids ; Arctic lamprey ; Northern pike -- Appendix tables EA and EB.

318 app. EA9 app. EA- Appendix EB

Appendix EA, lower Susitna River habitat location sites, resident fish catch per unit effort by species and gear type, November, 1980 to October, 1981

318 app. EB9 app. EB- Appendix EB

Appendix EB, lower Susitna River habitat location sites, juvenile anadromous fish, catch per unit effort by species and gear type, November, 1980 to October, 1981